Spring Term 2025

Welcome! This term we are following the children’s interests, focusing on ‘on the farm’, ‘our heroes’ and ‘houses and homes’. We cannot wait to display the children’s beautiful work around our nursery. To start the term, we have been learning all about Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated. The children have absolutely loved exploring different materials to create snakes, for the Year of the Snake!

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Our week at Mill House Nursery

In Baby Room this week we have been using tipping and pouring movements to develop our physical and mathematical development. The children love sensory messy play so a lot of this has been incorporated into our play this week. We have explored the different sounds the cereal has made while we it’s being crushed and moved around the tray. The children also loved exploring the edible play with their tastebuds too, eating as much as they could!

In Toddler Room we have spent lots of time outside this week, developing our gross motor skills. We have been busy jumping over the connecting pipes, bouncing on the trampoline, zooming around on bikes and scooters, climbing up the ladder and sliding down the slide. The children have also shown an interest in small world play, so a new small world area has been created for them to explore.

In Pre-School we celebrated National Fairytale Day. We read lots of traditional fairytales and the children decided that their favourite was Jack and the Beanstalk. The children then learnt to spell their names by adding leaves in the correct order down the beanstalk. We also played a counting game where the beanstalk grew and the child with the most leaves at the top of their stalk wins! Finally, we created our own fairytale by using story jigsaws.

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Autumn Term 2024

This term we have been exploring autumn. The children have enjoyed splashing in muddy puddles, creating autumn animals using paint sticks and collecting conkers, leaves and pinecones to mix into homemade play dough. The children have also enjoyed making pumpkins with paint sticks, glitter sand, coloured card and more. We can’t wait for our Halloween party coming up at the end of October!

The children have also been learning why leaves change colour and fall off trees, covering the grass on the ground. As the children have shown such an interest in learning about autumn, we have a little friend Hector the hedgehog (teddy bear hedgehog) who has been joining us at circle time, helping us teach the children facts about hedgehogs and other autumn animals. 


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Eid, Ramadan, Earth Day and St George’s Day!

🌍 We have had such a busy week! 🌍

We learnt all about Eid and Ramadan, Earth Day, St George’s Day and took part in many activities!

The children enjoyed making crowns for Eid, collecting natural materials from the world around us, using natural materials to explore paint and making hand prints!

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Coronation of King Charles III – Afternoon tea party!

🤴King Charles III🤴

In celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III, last week we had an afternoon tea party! The children had so much fun!

The children have also spent the past couple of weeks learning about the King and making crowns and bunting!

Here is some of what we have been up to!

#eyfs #findingoutandexploring #understandingtheworld

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